Seven years ago, our two founders decided to move from their small east coast towns to Seattle, Washington. Rather than flying and simply shipping their belongings, the two decided to pack all their luggage in a small Toyota and take a week-long drive across the country. They expected to have some interesting sights along the way, but were not anticipating to have their view of mother nature as we know it change. The duo realized through their cross-country journey that for every amazing view they witnessed, there was a devastating scene to match. Extreme droughts, deforestation and wild fires plagued their incredible adventure, and the duo fully realized this should not be the normal. While living on the west coast, the two founders traveled extensively and restored their faith in the beauty of our surrounding environments, and developed a passion to maintain the health of our planet for future generations. Through their excitement came the creation of Modern Roamer, a platform to not only sell comfortable products to explore in, but to create a voice for our beautiful planet.




A portion of all orders are donated to select conservation charities and organizations. If you have a charity you would like us to consider as a partner, please contact us at info@modernroamer.com





We are officially hiring! The Modern Roamer team is now looking for product designers and content creators. If interested, please email us at info@modernroamer.com